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Register today as a participant, volunteer, or "virtual walker" / SleepWalker

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Thanks for your interest in the Walk!  Please remember to login if you have a username and password with us.  The format is all lower case with no spaces.  Example:  johnsmith

To find out more information about a specific walk event or to register to walk or volunteer, choose the walk from the list below:

If you can't make it to one of the events above, you can still become part of the effort by donating now.   Or register as a virtual walker, you still fundraise and are eligible for prizes, you just don't attend the event.  We'll send a "wake-up" reminder to virtual (or SleepWalkers) in May with information about how to return donations and claim fundraising prize & finisher's medallion.

Thank you to our national sponsors

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Live Events

Please check back as events are added regularly!